Fundamental to define the value and useful lives of the assets, to update the accounting and financial positions and to avoid problems in the economic operations.
Fundamental to define the value and useful lives of the assets, to update the accounting and financial positions and to avoid problems in the economic operations.
Examines various business factors, defines the value of the company, business and intangible, creating a reliable support for the negotiations.
An economic transaction where companies carry out partial or total purchase and sale operations.
Good practices to organize the company’s assets and their economic, fiscal, accounting, risk analysis and optimized asset management.
Organization and updating of stocks to guarantee/allow financial control, physical, efficiency and avoid waste.
Appraisal Review is a common process in the business world and serves to analyze the processes and methods of third-party appraisals and can validate or request clarification on reports and increase the safety of business operations.
Maintenance plan based on the reconciliation of the fixed asset base with the maintenance register, create a single basis for integrated fixed asset and maintenance management..
The artworks have economic values that vary according to their exclusivity, components, fame and other relevant factors.